Linguistic Benchmark

Identify the linguistic level your teams need to improve their performance!

Identifying your current needs

We determine the useful level required by your employees, department by department, to improve their performance and help your company run smoothly. We then determine their current language level thanks to our language audit in order to identify the employees who already have the required level and those who need training.

Rationalising your training needs

Once the audit has been carried out, we create bespoke training solutions, adapted to your current needs. We identify and budget everything you need to achieve your business goals.

Why choose our linguistic benchmark?

Meeting your global HR goals

Carrying out a benchmark enables us to clearly understand your language needs on a department-by-department basis. Then, we identify the most appropriate language courses to meet your business goals, your HR budget and the language levels required by your staff.

Identifying team members with the required level

Once the audit has been completed, we will provide you with a detailed report. You will know exactly which employees already have the required level of proficiency and which ones need training. The result? We optimise your budget by only training the employees who need it.

Anticipating your future needs

At the start of our benchmark, we will ask you about your future needs in relation to your employees’ career progressions. We will then be able to offer appropriate tlanguage courses, during which your employees will future proof their language skills.

Making recruiting easier

If you are currently hiring, our linguistic benchmark will allow you to know the level of proficency required for each candidate and department. This will enable you to anticipate any training needs.

Six steps for an effective linguistic benchmark


Interviews with HR and Department Managers

your business goals and the useful language levels required by each department.


Carrying out your linguistic audits

we adapt our language audits to your business goals in order to have a clear and precise vision of the level of each employee.


Analysing the results

we analyse the results of each audit, then identify the employees who already have the required level and those who need training to improve their knowledge.


Training recommendations

we detail our training recommendations in a report. These recommendations are adapted to your business goals, your budget, your industry, your time constraints and the level of your employees. We then implement each training solution.


Monthly follow-ups

we provide you with monthly follow-up reports so that you can quickly understand how your teams are progressing.


Second linguistic audit

each employee carries out a new language audit once they have finished their course to assess their current level. We will discuss additional training on case-by-case basis, if required.

Adapting our training solutions

Adapting to your industry

Our training solutions are adapted to your industry: your employees will only learn the vocabulary they need to carry out their missions. They will work on work documents and act out real-life situations to achieve a professional command of their chosen language.

Adapting to your budget

All our training solutions are tailored to your HR budget to ensure excellent value for money.

Adapting to your business and linguistic goals

We adapt our training programmes to the business goals we have identified together, and then to the useful language level required by your employees to ensure quick progress.

Adapting to employees' learning preferences

We carry out MyLEA's learning preferences analysis to analyse their learning preferences and offer them training methods tailored to their expectations. This maximises knowledge retention and anchoring.

Why choose Speak’Pro?

Adapting to you:

We adapt our benchmarks to your industry and your business goals.


Your employees can schedule courses whenever they want between 7am and 8pm Monday to Friday. Do they have to cancel a class? They can reschedule it easily if they warn us by 5pm the day before.

Certified language trainers:

All our language trainers hold a professional diploma and have at least 3 years’ experience in a professional setting.

Proven customer satisfaction:

We have a satisfaction rate of 98.7% (average of satisfaction questionnaires between 2019 and 2021).

Our B2B services

B2B language courses

We offer private or group language courses, in-person or remote. These courses are adapted to your HR goals, your industry and your team’s linguistic levels.

Linguistic coaching

Our bespoke language learning service. We base our curriculum on your colleague’s work documents to build a 100 % personalized to their job, their missions, their linguistic level, and their goals.

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