Our method

Innovation and personalisation

We have developed an innovative method to adapt our language courses to your business and linguistic goals, as well as to each learner's learning preferences and required level.

Our bespoke method

Each learner is different: rather than imposing a teaching method on them, we adapt our courses to their objectives and learning needs thanks to our exclusive analysis of their learning preferences: MyLEA.

Identifying your business and language goals

We determine your business goals, as well as the language level your employees need to achieve to improve their performance.

MyLEA's Learning Preferences Analysis

Each employee carries out our MyLEA analysis to define their learning preferences. The results are sent to their language trainer so that they can select the most appropriate teaching methods for your employee. This makes learning easier and speeds up language progress.

Linguistic assessment

Afterwards, we identify your employee's current level thanks to a detailed assessment analysing seven written and oral skills: vocabulary, grammar, conjugation, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression and oral expression/pronunciation. The results will enable us to prepare an appropriate teaching programme.

Adapting our programme

Once the MyLEA analysis and language assessment have been carried out, we create a training programme tailored to your business sector, your employee's role and missions, their starting level, the language level required and their learning preferences. We'll ask your employee to contribute their own material to the course (using professional aids) to personalise the programme even further.

Motivating learners

Learner motivation is essential if language courses are to succeed and objectives are to be achieved. Our trainers offer engaging courses, focus on the business objective and select the most appropriate teaching methods to facilitate learning. If required, we include access to our Digital Learning platform to encourage professional language immersion and micro-learning between lessons to boost motivation throughout the course.


We carry out regular follow-ups with our trainers to check progress and update the programme if required. We also follow up with your employees to assess their satisfaction and progress. We then provide you with these reports to identify the success of the training.

We carry out a language assessment at the end of the course, on request, to measure your staff's progress in real terms.

Our team

Notre équipe inclut une centaine de formateurs diplômés, ayant au moins trois ans d’expérience en entreprise. Nous les sélectionnons sur leur expérience dans la formation et en entreprise pour proposer des cours adaptés à votre secteur d’activité.

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